O Drom


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Web Portal

The Romani Web Portal

Romani Roti
Web Hub
The Gateway
to the
Romani Internet

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Phralale, Phenjale, Chavale!



 Latcho dives,

  Sas baxtalo,


    Qwanter Schein!


If I have forgotten any greeting I apologize to those concerned.


I am Gypsy and I am proud of it!




O DROM is intended to be the tacho Romani Community on-line and the tacho Romani Web Portal, the Gateway to the Internet by Romani for Romani. You will find here a direct link to the Romani Roti Web Hub, which is the entry for all tacho Romani sites on the Net.


As this is intended to be an on-line Romani community, our community, I invite your participation as regards to articles and stories that you would like to share with the greater world of Romani.


The language used here shall be English. Thereby we ensure that we all understand what is being said and none of those who may not rokker the Chib will feel excluded. I am aware that our language is our strength but it can also be a weakness when using it excludes those of our Race that do not speak it. There are many Rom who do not rokker the Chib (more than actually do) - neither Romanes, nor Sintitakes, nor any other version - but that does not make them any less part of our People.


O DROM shall feature articles on many aspects of the Romani Culture and Traditions but only so far as it can be openly mentioned on a medium such as the World Wide Web where all have access to it, including Gadje.


I have already added a number of features to this site, such as a web search facility, as well as a number of others, and I hope, in due course to also be able to provide you with even more features here on O DROM. It is our hope that you will make O DROM your homepage and will use it as the page from which you enter the Web. If you have any suggestions as to what other features you would like to see here please let us know via the "contact us" link.


Now, lets be proud to be Romani and live our Culture and Traditions with pride and honor.


kushto bok, latcho drom & sastipen,



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Current time and date in any country!

